
Foliage helps amplify a property’s beauty and adds curb appeal to any home or commercial office. However, property owners who do not engage in responsible tree maintenance may notice their trees bleeding a sticky sap. Below is a helpful explanation as to why trees bleed sap and how educated tree pruning can help.

Understanding Tree Sap & How to Keep Your Tree Healthy

Why do trees bleed sap?

A tree is surprisingly similar to the human body, but instead of transporting blood through veins, it uses a vascular system to send sap containing water and nutrients to its roots. Just as with people who bleed when cut, tree sap can bleed out of a tree that has recently been pruned.

Is it a sign something is wrong?

tree pruningWhile it’s not necessarily bad, it’s best to avoid allowing your tree to bleed too much sap, as this can expose it to more serious problems, like tree decline or gummosis. In certain cases, as with maple or birch trees, sap is often purposefully extracted to be made into maple syrup and birch wines and beers.

Many trees native to Kentucky have proven to bleed sap when pruned. Common examples include Elm, Maple, Mulberry, Oak, Poplar, and Walnut trees.

What steps can property owners take to stop sap bleeding?

In general, tree sap levels are especially high during the spring season, so it’s recommended to schedule tree pruning later in the spring or even early summer. If you notice a tree has bled sap, leaving it alone and reassessing your tree pruning schedule is the best course of action. For oak or elm trees, however, pruning paint should be applied over the cut to help avoid the deadly Dutch elm disease or oak wilt.


If trees on your property are bleeding sap, and you want to stop it, turn to the professional tree service company, Big Beaver Tree Service, for help. Based in Nicholasville, KY, these tree maintenance experts have been serving the needs of property owners across Jessamine County for over 30 years. With extensive knowledge and experience dealing with tree diseases and other common problems, they can help keep your commercial or residential foliage looking its best year-round. To schedule tree pruning or receive a free estimate for other services, give their friendly staff a call today at (859) 272-8548. You can also visit their website for a list of frequently asked questions.
