
From cracks and seams in the walls to gaps in foundations and window frames, there are several ways ants can get inside your home. When this happens, reach out to a pest control specialist immediately for help. Otherwise, the insects could damage building materials or compromise family safety as their nests grow. Here are a few of the most common ants found in homes and how to prevent them. 

What Types of Ants Are Most Common in Homes? 

1. Carpenter

If you have leaky areas in the house, repair the damage immediately. Otherwise, the moisture could attract carpenter ants. The insects like to burrow into damp wood to set up their nests. The ants try to move around undetected but will come into living spaces to seek sustenance. They are particularly drawn to sweet-smelling foods and beverages, so clean up spills and store food in airtight containers to prevent infestations. 

2. Fire

pest controlSimilar to other insects, fire ants hunt for food to bring back to their colonies. They eat almost any type of protein material, which makes them particularly problematic in homes with pets. Look for swarms hovering near food or water dishes. A pest control specialist should handle removal, as the insects act aggressively when nests are disturbed, often stinging to ward off an attack. 

3. Odorous

Although odorous ants can bite, it doesn’t produce the same sting as when fire ants attack. The insects are considered a nuisance, as they can fill your house with an unpleasant aroma. They get their name for the smell of rotten butter or coconut produced when they’re killed. The ants typically nest in walls and will come into the open to search for fuel, which means they could contaminate your food supply. 

4. Pavement

As the name suggests, these animals usually make their homes in the cracks and crevices of paved areas around the house. Outside, pavement ants feed on other insects. They get inside through cracks in foundations and settle in walls, insulation, and the areas under floorboards. While inside, they will feast on greasy foods and pet food left in dishes on the floor.

5. Pharaoh

Pharaoh ants prefer to nest in humid, warm areas inside the house, which could put wall voids and HVAC ducts at risk of infestation. The ants are known for having more than one queen, which means colonies can form in various areas of the house. They also live off protein and can contaminate food, increasing the risk of dangerous bacterial pathogens passing to people in the household. 


If you need help identifying and removing the ants on your property, contact the crew at Acme Pest Control. The licensed technicians are known throughout North Carolina’s Iredell and Cabarrus counties for using humane pest removal techniques to get rid of ants, termites, rodents, bedbugs, and other unwanted house guests. To schedule a pest control appointment with the Concord-based professionals, call (704) 786-4166 or dial (704) 660-7001 to reach the Mooresville location. Visit the residential pest control company online for special offers and like them on Facebook for more tips and company updates. 
