
Your health needs change significantly throughout your life, especially when it comes to your reproductive system and related parts of the body. There are a few specific health problems that may arise during your twenties, as well as some issues to be aware of for the future. Here’s what your gynecologist wants you to know about your health in your twenties.

5 Health Concerns for Women in Their 20s 

1. UTIs

Your 20s may be a time of increased sexual activity, which can lead to a much higher risk of urinary tract infections. Limit the likelihood of UTIs by emptying your bladder soon after intercourse and practicing good hygiene. Drinking plenty of water and cranberry juice can also help. If you suffer from an infection, your gynecologist may prescribe antibiotics.

2. STIs

Another risk which comes with increased sexual activity is the possibility of sexually transmitted infections. Practice safe sex by using condoms, the only form of birth control that protects against STIs. Watch for any changes in your health, such as pain, itching, redness, or sores. Certain STIs – some strains of HPV, for example – may not have visible symptoms, so visit your gynecologist regularly for testing.

3. Fertility Problems

During your 20s, your fertility is usually at its peak. However, many women still experience difficulty getting pregnant. Fertility problems generally become more challenging to treat with age, so the sooner you visit a women’s health center to address them, the better your chances.

4. Pregnancy Complications

gynecologistFor the most part, women in their 20s have the fewest medical complications during pregnancy. Still, women in their early 20s have a somewhat elevated risk of preeclampsia – a condition that causes elevated blood pressure and may lead to slower fetal growth and early delivery – relative to older women. As the causes of this condition are unclear, there’s no way to prevent it. If you’re diagnosed, your doctor will guide you through monitoring and managing the condition. With proper medical care, most women with preeclampsia go on to have healthy babies. 

5. Foundation for Future Health

Finally, the health choices you make in your twenties will impact the rest of your life. Aside from the risk of infections and reproductive problems, you should also carefully monitor your diet, exercise, and lifestyle decisions to minimize your risk of heart disease and cancer later in life. Talk to your gynecologist about steps you can take to optimize your health. 


If you need a gynecologist in Groton, CT, choose Thameside ObGyn Centre. This state-of-the-art center serves New London County patients with compassion, professionalism, and state-of-the-art equipment. They offer the highest standard of care to women of any age. To make an appointment with one of their six providers, call (860) 445-5107 or send an appointment request through their website.
