
Tile is a popular choice for homeowners across the world in many climates thanks to its many desirable qualities. When the time comes to install a new roof, you may be interested in using this durable and attractive roofing material. To familiarize yourself with the material and decide whether it’s right for you, consider some of the most common questions and answers about this attractive roof material.

Tile Roofing FAQ

How long will it last?

There are many factors that influence how long a roof lasts, such as proper installation, climate conditions, and how well it is maintained. However, tile has a reputation for being extremely durable with very little maintenance required, so it generally outlasts most other types of roofing materials.

What type of maintenance is needed?

roofingTile is tough, which means it tends to require less maintenance than other materials. It’s still recommended that you have an annual inspection done. Chances are that any work required will be on the less durable materials such as the gutter system, ventilation, and flashing.

Does it insulate well?

Tile is popular in warm climates such as the desert since it is highly effective at reflecting heat and keeping homes cool. People in cooler climates often mistakenly assume this means it won’t work for them, but the insulative properties of tile are beneficial in extreme cold just as they are in heat. It will help keep the home cool in the summer and warm in the winter by locking in the internal temperature. These roofs also prevent the formation of ice dams, so you’ll have safer drainage during the winter.

What Does It Look Like?

Tiles are available in many colors, shapes, and sizes. This means that you can find a tile to suit any style of home, from the popular Spanish architecture to modern or traditional homes.


Whether you are building a new home or need a roof replacement on your older property, Bradach Roofing Siding is the team for the job. They’ve been serving property owners in the Dakota County, MN, area for more than 20 years. They are known for skillful installations with minimal disruptions to your family and for their dedicated customer service. Visit their website to learn more about their roofing contractors, and call (952) 892-6015 to request a free, no-pressure estimate.
