
Your body requires a steady supply of vitamins and minerals each day to function properly. Certain foods and supplements contain essential nutrients that keep your immune system healthy. There are crucial vitamins and minerals you should prioritize and incorporate into your daily food and supplement intake. Below is a guide of the top six vitamins and minerals you should take daily. 

Essential Daily Nutrients and Where to Get Them

1. Vitamin D

While Vitamin D is soaked into your skin through direct sunlight, it can also be found in food and capsules in a pharmacy. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus better, and it also impacts the function of the immune system. Aside from supplements, you’ll find it in salmon, egg yolks, fortified milk, yogurt, and orange juice.

2. Magnesium

vitamins-gates-pharmacyMagnesium is an essential nutrient that allows your body to perform over 600 functions, including protein formation, muscle movements, energy creation, and nervous system regulation. It also improves mood, reduces inflammation, and prevents Type 2 diabetes. The best natural places to find it are pumpkin seeds, black beans, spinach, and avocados.

3. Calcium

Calcium can be found in most dairy products, including milk and yogurt, as well as dark leafy greens. It’s essential for building strong bones and teeth, and it’s the most prevalent mineral in your body. The average adult should aim to intake 1,000 mg each day; however, your pharmacist can recommend a dosage that is right for you. 

4. Zinc

Zinc is a highly active mineral that contributes to immune system function, protein and DNA synthesis, general bodily growth, and enzyme reactions. Deficiencies are rare, but they can impact the skin and bodily development over time. You’ll find it in plenty of foods, including poultry, shellfish, legumes, and whole grains.

5. Iron

Iron impacts how oxygen is circulated throughout your body and how many red blood cells are produced. A deficiency can lead to anemia and general fatigue. Luckily, you can find it in many foods, including shellfish, spinach, and red meat.

6. Vitamin B-12

Your body can’t naturally produce vitamin B-12, which is why you need to get it from foods or supplements. It’s crucial in nerve cell function, red blood cell formation, and DNA synthesis, and may increase energy and prevent diseases. Foods high in B-12 include clams, beef, eggs, milk, trout, and tuna.



For over 29 years, Gates Pharmacy has been committed to providing residents in Lorain County, OH, with vitamins, minerals, and other health care resources they need for healthy living. They believe in a customer-centered approach and are happy to educate people on their medical prescriptions and other wellness needs. Visit their website for a full breakdown of their services and call (440) 329-7300 to speak with a pharmacist. You can also visit their University Hospitals Elyria Medical Center page for more information.
