
Common skin issues can cause a range of ill-effects, from irritation to displeasure with your appearance. Fortunately, there are solutions for your skin care needs, whether your symptoms are mild or serious. The following are just a few conditions that a dermatologist can treat.

Common Skin Conditions a Dermatologist Treats

1. Acne

Most people will experience acne at some point in their lives. While this issue is often mild, in some cases the effects can be severe. A dermatologist will help you devise a solid at-home skin care routine while also offering in-office treatment. Topical medications like retinoids help control breakouts, while chemical peels rejuvenate the skin.

2. Eczema

Eczema is characterized by red, itchy skin that can range from mild to severe. Flareups can occur throughout a person’s life and often require a solid management plan to keep symptoms to a minimum. In most cases, this condition can be controlled by avoiding known environmental triggers and ensuring skin is properly cleaned and moisturized. Your dermatologist can also prescribe medication to control outbreaks.

3. Psoriasis

DermatologistIf you commonly experience cracked skin, red patches, a burning sensation, and joint pain, you may have psoriasis. Psoriasis is caused by an overproduction of cells, which can result in a few rough patches here and there to a full-body response. Because it can be quite uncomfortable, getting the proper treatment is a must. Along with avoiding triggers like smoking, topical treatments are also available to sooth skin. Light therapy can also be successful, and this entails aiming a controlled dose of UVB light on problem areas.


With more than 36 years of experience, Aylesworth Dermatology SC helps patients in Rhinelander, WI, address a variety of common skin conditions. These dermatologists use the latest techniques and equipment when treating acne, eczema, and psoriasis. They can also lend assistance in many other areas, such as nail fungus, cysts, rosacea, and rashes to name a few. They also offer MOHS surgery, which is integral in treating certain types of skin cancer. Schedule your appointment today by calling (715) 369-4500. You can also see their complete list of medical services by visiting their website.
