
Making the transition from a crib to a bed is a milestone moment for a child. In some ways, it marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new period for your little one. But making that switch from the familiar to something entirely new can be challenging. If you’re ready to help your child move to a kids’ bed, consider a few of these tips to ease the process.

How to Help Your Child Transition to a Bed

1. Get Them Involved

The first step to success is introducing the idea to your child. Although you have the final say in the process, your child may feel more agreeable to the transition if they get to play a part in choosing a kids’ bed, finding some fun sheets, and even testing out mattresses. The key is to frame it as something they should be excited about. When the delivery arrives, keep the whole process lighthearted and enjoyable. Walk them through what’s happening, so they look forward to their first night in a new bed.

kids bed2. Keep It Familiar

Something that feels too new and unfamiliar might be scary to some children. That’s understandable, but it doesn’t have to be a roadblock. Maintain your child’s bedtime routine to keep them comfortable. Whether you normally read a book together or sing a lullaby before bed, make it a point to continue doing those things. Assure your child that you’ll continue to be right there until they fall asleep and that you won’t be far if they need anything.

3. Slowly Ease Away

It’s important to gradually ease separation anxiety that occurs when you leave the room. Since your little one may already feel uncertain about sleeping in a kids’ bed, they need assurance that you’re going to be there. While you sit together going about your routine, make it a point to leave for a few seconds. Come back into the room and continue as normal. Slowly increase the amount of time that you spend outside. They’ll grow accustomed to this small time apart until they start sleeping on the bed alone.


If you’re searching for the perfect kids’ bed to help your child transition from a crib, turn to Sleep Central. The family-owned company has served Minocqua, WI, homeowners since 1996. They offer an outstanding selection of options for kids, including bunk beds and comfortable mattresses, along with all of the bedding that you need to ensure their bed is cozy and comfortable. Additionally, they’ll deliver your new mattress and haul away the old one. Visit their website to browse their selection, or give them a call at (715) 356-3488.
