
If your dentist has recommended you for a root canal, you may have some questions. Understanding what could have led to your need for this treatment, as well as what the process will entail, will help ease any uncertainties you may have. While root canals may be unfamiliar to you now, you’ll discover below how this therapy is a powerful solution for alleviating pain and protecting your tooth against further damage.

What Creates the Need for Root Canal Therapy?

dentistA root canal is performed to remove the pulp or nerve tissue inside a tooth’s pulp chamber after it becomes compromised. Issues such as facial trauma, repeated dental procedures, deep decay, and large cracks or chips can result in pulp damage. Once this tissue is damaged, it can break down, causing bacteria to spread. The only way to stop this process is to remove the pulp, but if a patient leaves it unaddressed for too long, it can lead to serious issues, such as an abscessed tooth, widespread swelling, or bone loss.

What Does the Process Entail?

Before performing any work, your dentist will provide local anesthesia to numb the affected area. Then, they’ll insert a small rubber dam to isolate the tooth to keep it clean during the procedure. They’ll create a small access hole through which the pulp will be extracted.

Next, your dentist will thoroughly clean the pulp, and they may also insert a special solution to minimize the risk of infection. They’ll fill the chamber and close the access hole with a filling until your permanent crown is ready. Once prepared, you’ll have the crown applied to the top of your tooth to keep it protected. After a tooth’s blood supply has been cut off, it becomes more vulnerable to damage, but a crown acts as a support system to preserve its integrity.


If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, soreness, or any other dental concern, the dentists at JP Larson, DDS, and Stephen J. Larson, DDS, can help. Their Cincinnati, OH-based practice offers a broad range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic solutions to fit the individual needs of each patient. Find out more about their approach to root canal therapy by visiting their website, or call (513) 528-1223 to schedule an appointment.
