
Because oral health impacts overall well-being, you need to make sure your child takes preventative measures to promote healthy and strong teeth. From the right brush and toothpaste to protective treatments like sealants and fluoride, a children’s dentist can help you determine the right approach for your child. One of the easiest ways to protect your child’s smile is with sealants. Learn more about this dental solution in the guide below.

What Are Sealants?

A sealant is a thin coating of liquid resin that covers the teeth and provides an extra layer of defense against cavities, especially in difficult-to-reach nooks and crannies. They are typically applied on the back molars, but may also be used on other teeth if a children’s dentist wants to target more problem areas. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found children without sealants had almost three times more cavities than children with this preventative treatment.

When Should Your Child Get Sealants?

children's dentistBecause sealants are usually applied to molars, bring your kid to a children’s dentist when these teeth erupt. The dentist will then examine the teeth and place sealants before decay has a chance to set in. On average, children get their first molars around the age of six, with their second ones appearing around the age of 12. Once applied, the sealant can offer protection for up to four years.

Are There Additional Benefits?

Because sealants protect teeth, your child will be less likely to need costly and extensive dental treatments like root canals or crowns in the future. Not only is this more cost-effective for you, but also helps your child avoid the pain of decay and cavities. Plus, they’ll be less likely to develop dental anxiety or fears.


If you’re ready to protect your child’s teeth with sealants, visit the children’s dentist at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala in Honolulu, HI. With more than 24 years of experience, Dr. Allen K. Hirai provides vital preventative and restorative dental care for children in a warm and welcoming environment. To learn more about how this clinic will improve the health of your child’s smile, visit them online, and call (808) 737-0076 to make an appointment today.
