
The mere thought of spiders crawling around in the house can send many homeowners into a panic. Whether these insects come into your home for food or shelter, they can put your health at risk. If you see these critters in your home, professional spider control is necessary. Here are some of the signs of a spider infestation.

How to Know If There Are Spiders in Your Home

Eggs Sacs

Spiders lay multiple eggs at a time and put them in a sac to protect them from predators. These sacs are about the same size as a spider and made from silk. If you see eggs sacs in small crevices in your home, immediate spider control is needed. Otherwise, when the eggs hatch, even more spiders will be in your house.

Spider Webs

spider controlDo you continue to find spider webs in your home no matter how much you clean? If so, you may have an infestation. Spiders typically make their webs in places they can hide, like basements, attics, and crawl spaces. They may also set up their webs in the bushes around your home. Periodically check these spaces in your home for webs.

Other Insects

If you’ve found other insects in your home, spiders might be close by. Spiders feed on many different insects, like ants and flies. If you have these critters in your home, spiders may come to your house for their next meal if you don’t exercise immediate spider control.


If you require spider control, you can count on the pest control experts at Joy Exterminators in Newport, OH. They have been in business for more than 50 years serving Marietta and Beverly OH, Parkersburg, St. Mary’s, and New Martinsville WV, and have the training to efficiently and safely remove insects from your home. The company has built a reputation for their excellent customer service and utilize the latest technology to determine how pests have entered your home to secure that area. If you would like to schedule an appointment with an exterminator, call (740) 473-2739 or visit their website for more information about their services.
