
Back injuries are an incredibly common ailment, with many adults experiencing pain at some point in time. However, it can be difficult to deal with back pain, especially when it makes everything from sleeping to standing more difficult. Without proper treatment, you could end up with chronic pain. Here are a few ways to help relieve your symptoms.

3 Tips for Reducing Back Pain

1. Be Gentle on Your Back

Because back pain can be caused by pulled muscles, inflamed joints, or physical changes to your spine, be gentle on your back in the days following an injury. Continue to move to maintain muscle tone, but avoid heavy lifting, aggressive exercising, or deep stretches. Instead, move slower and watch your form when exercising. 

2. Try Ice & Heat Therapy 

back painCold temperatures can reduce blood flow to an area and prevent swelling, which can alleviate pain. Additionally, heat therapy can help to relax muscles and soothe discomfort. Try alternating between ice and heat therapy to relieve your pain naturally. When using cold therapy,  apply ice packs to the affected area for 10-15 minutes at a time to avoid tissue damage. 

3. Visit a Chiropractor

During your initial visit to a chiropractor, they will test your range of motion and reflexes to find the cause of your back pain. By using gentle spinal manipulations and massage techniques, they can re-align your spine and muscles, relieving tension and decreasing pain levels. 


Injuries can lead to back pain, so never ignore your symptoms. Instead, turn to the chiropractors at Eastern Hills Chiropractic in Hamilton County, OH. With a focus on offering natural, holistic healing methods, this clinic has been helping clients for more than 31 years to get the help they need. In addition to offering accident care and chiropractic adjustments, they also provide nutritional counseling and massage therapy. Learn more about their services by visiting their website, or call (513) 528-2200 to speak to a member of their team.
