
It can be difficult to know whether or not you should seek legal help after being in a traffic collision. Some crashes are more serious than others, and some claims seem like they will be uncomplicated to resolve. However, it’s not always obvious when a wreck is going to have long-lasting effects or when a problem is suddenly going to arise that puts a claim in jeopardy. This is why it’s best to consult a car accident lawyer any time there’s a possibility of pursuing compensation. If you’re still unsure as to whether you need legal representation, here are a few situations in which you shouldn’t hesitate to hire an attorney.

Scenarios That Require the Help of a Car Accident Lawyer 

You’ve Suffered Long-Term or Permanent Injuries 

A long-term or permanently disabling injury can be life-altering. These types of injuries generally require extensive medical treatment, impact the ability to return to work, and cause a diminished quality of life. As a result, you may be entitled to a sizeable settlement to cover all your losses. You’ll need a lawyer to accurately evaluate your claim and negotiate a fair amount. 

There Is a Dispute Over Liability 

Insurance companies will often claim their policyholder was not at fault for the collision to avoid paying out damages. If there’s a dispute over liability in your case, you’ll need the expertise of a car accident lawyer to perform an investigation and help gather evidence to prove who was responsible for causing the crash. They will use the information they uncover to build a strong argument on your behalf. 

You’re Being Pressured to Settle 

car accident lawyerThe other party’s insurance company may be quick to offer you a settlement in an attempt to pay you far below what your claim is actually worth. Before you accept any offers, you should talk to a car accident lawyer. They will be able to advise you on whether the offer is sufficient or if it’s in your best interest to make a counteroffer or take your case to trial. 


If you’ve been injured due to another driver’s negligence, turn to a skilled car accident lawyer at Hill & Hovis for guidance on what action to take next. Offering more than six decades of combined experience, they can provide you with the advice and representation necessary to bring your personal injury claim to a successful conclusion. They have advocated on behalf of many High Point, NC, residents in their pursuit of justice and full financial recovery. Call (336) 883-6000 to schedule a review of your case, or visit their website for more information on how they can help you achieve a favorable outcome.

