
A charter bus gets a group of people from one place to another, and no matter how excited everyone is to reach their destination, they’ll inevitably get a little bored on a long ride. If you’re in charge of the trip, it’s essential to plan out activities to keep passengers engaged and ensure their comfort. Below, you’ll find several ideas that will work well alongside the amenities of a luxury charter bus.

Entertainment Ideas for Long Bus Rides

1. Bring Entertainment

charter busWhile many people may bring a book along or stream videos on their mobile devices, you want to be certain everyone has something to enjoy. Make sure to book a charter bus equipped with a DVD player and TV screens. You can throw on a popular movie for everyone to watch or play episodes of a favorite TV show. Just make sure it’s nothing that will distract the driver and to speak with the tour bus company beforehand for approval.

2. Plan Rest Stops

It’s always revitalizing to get out and stretch your legs, so take a look at your expected route and plot out a few rest areas. They can be local points of interest or basic stopping areas; regardless, passengers will be glad to get out of the charter bus. Confirm that the areas have bus parking and speak with the driver in advance to make sure the stops are okay.

3. Serve Snacks

As with entertainment, many riders will bring their own snacks, but still, make sure everyone is fed. Pack a few snack options everyone can choose from and dish them out along the way. Choose solid snacks that are easy to eat. Anything that crumbles, spoils, or requires utensils can make a mess.


Are you looking to charter a bus? For over 30 years, Constitution Coach has provided premium charter bus services throughout the 48 states and Canada. Located in Hartford County, CT, their fleet includes plenty of amenities, such as bathrooms, entertainment systems, and comfortable seating. They make safety a priority and are proud to hold the highest rating by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Call (860) 646-0363 to schedule a charter service or visit their website to learn more about their buses. 
