
Hydration is important in every season. Although you lose less liquid through perspiration in the winter than in summer, the season’s dry air causes the body to take in less moisture, leading to dehydration. Installing a water filtration system will make your water safe, pure, and refreshing, ensuring you, your clients, and your employees reap the following benefits of staying hydrated during the colder months.    

Why It’s Important to Stay Hydrated in Winter

1. Prevents Dry Skin

During winter, exposure to cold air dries out the skin, leaving the tissue flaky, dull, and itchy. As skin cells contain water, drinking more will help you regain moisture lost. Water intake can enhance skin thickness and density, which in turn boosts epidermal hydration and counterbalances the loss of water through your skin

2. Helps Keep Off Pounds

Hastings-Nebraska-water-filtrationWater can help prevent weight gain that often occurs in winter from eating heavy comfort food and tempting treats. Drinking a glass of water before a meal may help you consume fewer calories. Boosting your water intake may also encourage your body to burn fat. Whether your private New Year’s resolution is to shed pounds or you’re participating in an office-wide weight loss challenge, try drinking more water. 

3. Aids Digestion

Proper hydration is key for complete digestion. Drinking water helps the body process food more easily, keeping you regular and preventing constipation and discomfort. Having an in-office water filtration system will give your employees access to fluids that just might help them recover from their company-catered lunch. 


If you need a water filtration system for your commercial space, contact the professionals at Quality Sound & Water. Based in Hastings, NE, these technicians install reverse osmosis systems and other Pure Water Technology® equipment to remove unwanted minerals and impurities. To ask about solutions available in Adams County, call (402) 461-4935. A representative is happy to discuss equipment features. Visit the company online to learn more about their state-of-the-art water filtration. Follow them on Facebook for information on additional ways the team will help your business. 
