
Whether your diet and exercise regime has plateaued or you’re looking for a safe, quick way to feel more comfortable in your body, liposuction may be the right treatment for you. This procedure has been around for decades, but thanks to modern technology, has become even easier to perform. The following guide will help you understand the procedure. If you’d like to learn if you’re a suitable candidate for the procedure, talk to your doctor. 

Common Questions on Liposuction

What kind of liposuction do I need?

While you may be most familiar with traditional, surgical liposuction, there are also laser-assisted procedures available that provide positive results and require less recovery time. Smartlipo® and Cellulaze™ are two solutions that utilize a laser to contour your body and give you the results you want. Smartlipo targets small pockets of stubborn fat that diet and exercise haven’t removed, while Cellulaze smooths deposits of cellulite. 

Will the procedure hurt? 

liposuctionLaser-assisted liposuction procedures are much less invasive than the traditional method. While your doctor may apply a local anesthetic to help you relax during the procedure, you’ll be awake and may feel minimal discomfort, including slight pressure on the area being treated. Pain, swelling, and bruising may occur in the treatment area after the procedure, but can be managed in consultation with your doctor. 

What areas can be treated? 

Thanks to the innovative technology used during laser liposuction treatment, you can have several different areas contoured, including your neck, chin, jawline, waist, upper arms, hips, and thighs. Men may also opt to have the procedure performed in their chest region. 

What is recovery like? 

Recovery from laser-assisted liposuction is much faster and easier than traditional surgery. Discomfort may be observed for the first three days after having the procedure, but will significantly decline afterward. Most people only need to take two to three days off work and can resume most normal activities within weeks of treatment.

Who is a good candidate? 

While your doctor is the best person to evaluate your candidacy for laser liposuction, most prefer patients to be in generally good health and only up to 25 pounds overweight. Each patient is different, however – which is why it’s important to talk about the benefits and risks with your physician.


Even with proper diet and exercise, there are several parts of the body that can be hard to tone. For help contouring these problem areas, New Yorkers trust the professionals at Advanced Varicose Vein Treatments of Manhattan. These experienced doctors offer state-of-the-art equipment and advanced methods of liposuction, including Smartlipo and Cellulaze. To learn more about how this practice can help you get the results you want, visit them online. Call (212) 204-6501 to schedule an appointment at their convenient Financial District office. 
