
Having your prescriptions at a convenient pharmacy makes it easier than ever to access the medications that keep you safe and healthy. Transferring a prescription to a new pharmacy is routine for most drugstores and healthcare providers, but that doesn't mean there can't be a few hiccups during the process. To reduce that likelihood, below are three tips for transferring prescriptions to your new drugstore.

3 Pointers for Transferring Prescriptions

1. Alert the New Pharmacy

First, let the new pharmacy know you’re going to be utilizing them for all your medication needs. This way, they can provide more personalized service by being on the lookout for your prescriptions and having them ready when you need them. You may want to inform them of the originating pharmacy or provider just so they have that information for their records.

2. Discuss the Pharmacy Change With Your Doctor

pharmacyMost doctors’ offices today are computerized, and your preferred pharmacy is kept in your electronic patient record. If you don't let the provider know that you've switched drugstores, they will automatically send new medications or refills to the old location on file. Be sure to tell all prescribing doctors of the change, and have the new pharmacy's contact information handy in case the providers ask for it.

3. Be Familiar With Your Medications

Certain types of medications, such as those that fall under the category of controlled substances, are very closely monitored and have different prescribing guidelines than other kinds of meds. Some can only be transferred between pharmacies once, and some cannot be transferred at all. With these prescriptions, you’ll need to contact your doctor. This is why it’s important to plan ahead when transferring medication, especially if you need it on a regular basis and cannot miss a dose — some doctors’ offices may not immediately be available to write a new prescription.


By following these pointers, you’ll ensure a smooth transfer of prescriptions to your new pharmacy. If you recently moved to the Statesboro, GA, area, and are looking for a quality provider, turn to Medical Center Pharmacy. For nearly six decades, they have been serving Bulloch County residents with high-quality service and individualized care. In addition to prescription medications, they also offer first aid products, gifts and toys, and medical supplies. To learn more or to start the prescription transfer process, call (912) 764-5643, or visit them online today. For pharmacy updates and more helpful tips, like them on Facebook.
