
Your home is your castle — but if you have an inadequate lock or a poor lock installation, your entry doors may not be able to withstand a forced entry attempt. Ask any security professional, and you’ll get the same recommendation: all entry doors should have a quality deadbolt.  Here’s a closer look at why a quality deadbolt installation is an absolute must for your home.

Top 3 Reasons to Get a Deadbolt Lock Installation

1. Greater Strength

Most home break-ins are the result of an excessive force applied against the entryway, such as when someone kicks open the door. A quality  deadbolt utilizes a powerful steel bolt that extends into the door jamb. With the assistance of a properly installed quality strike plate, a deadbolt greatly improves door security by making it harder to damage the door and door jamb from attempted forced entry. 

2. Variety

lock installationDeadbolt installation can boost your curb appeal. From simple single-bolt systems to designs that combine the deadbolt and an exquisite entry handle into a single piece, your deadbolt can help you achieve the exact look you want for your entry doors. The combination of style and security is especially beneficial when trying to sell your home.

3. Affordable Protection

Since an advanced, tech-driven home security system can prove too expensive for some homeowners, installing a new deadbolt lock is relatively inexpensive. An experienced locksmith can make all necessary adjustments to your door to ensure a long-lasting security solution in a few hours or less. As a result, the one-time cost for a deadbolt installation is much less expensive than monthly security system costs, serving as a more cost-effective way to improve home security.


Whether you need a new lock installation or help to address a lockout, you can depend on Columbia Lock and Safe in Columbia, MO to provide trustworthy, dependable results. In business since 1992, their experienced locksmiths provide 24-hour emergency service for homes and businesses alike. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (573) 443-5397.
