
Although most dental issues can be prevented or resolved with careful daily oral hygiene and routine dentist appointments, there are instances when the teeth simply cannot be salvaged. In these cases, tooth extractions may be recommended to protect the rest of the smile. Here’s more information about tooth extractions and how to prevent complications.

Understanding Tooth Extraction

What Happens During a Tooth Extraction?

Before a tooth extraction is recommended, your dentist will conduct a careful physical exam to ensure that the tooth can’t be saved. X-rays may be taken to look at the internal structures of the tooth, and your dental history will be evaluated to check for previous issues with the area. 

If extraction is necessary, the dentist will begin by using a local anesthetic to numb the entire area. Then, the tooth will be gently rocked back and forth to widen the socket, and mild pressure will be applied to pull the tooth from the gum tissue.

Depending on the plan for the area, your dentist may apply bone grafting material to pave the way for a future implant, or the void may be sutured to prevent bleeding.

What Aftercare Procedures Are Helpful? 

dentistAfter a tooth is pulled, a protective clot forms in the void to help prevent infections. To keep this clot intact, patients are generally advised to avoid brushing, rinsing, or spitting for 24 hours following the extraction. Your dentist will also instruct you to bite on gauze for a few hours following the procedure to slow bleeding.

To prevent swelling that could hamper blood flow and healing, you might be asked to take medications such as anti-inflammatories and antibiotics or apply a cold compress to the jaw around the extraction. Tooth extractions typically heal in seven to 10 days, and you should report any issues to your dentist immediately.


If you’re experiencing toothaches, turn to Dr. Helmbrecht and Dr. Chang at Helmbrecht Dental in Fairbanks, AK, for help. For over 30 years, the dentists and their team have offered affordable dental services including extractions, crowns, bridges, sealants, and emergency care. Send a message online or call (907) 456-1237 to schedule an appointment.
