
One of the newer forms of therapy to enter into the domain of treating injuries relating to motor vehicle collisions is Lower Level Laser Therapy also known as LLLT.  These lasers are known for their ability to reduce pain, improve functional activities, and accelerate healing without side effects associated with pharmacologic interventions.

Current evidence suggest that LLLT increase cellular oxidative metabolism, improves oxygen supply to hypoxic cells, increases proliferation of fibroblasts, promotes tissue repair by accelerating collagen production, may aid peripheral nerve recovery after injury, and helps with migraines, tingling in arms, and pinched nerves.

In acute injury within the first 72 hours after injury, LLLT is focused on accelerating the healing of injured soft tissues and, therefore, lessening the risk of scarring and/or chronicity.  Therapeutic wavelength appears to be 632 and 830mm.  

Are you looking for a more holistic way to manage your health? If so, the team at Augustine Chiropractic can help. Backed by more than three decades of experience, Dr. Brian Augustine is an experienced Pasco County chiropractor who can provide a variety of non-invasive treatments to address everything from back pain to poor mobility.  Whether you’re in need of adjustment or physical therapy, you can count on this provider to develop a customized treatment plan designed to safely and effectively improve your symptoms in a comfortable, stress-free setting. Visit this West Chapel, FL, clinic online to learn more or call (813) 994-6008 to schedule a consultation.   
