
Brushing your teeth twice per day is part of a healthy oral hygiene routine, but the right tools can help you achieve an optimal clean. With so many toothbrushes on the market, many dental patients aren’t sure whether to invest in an electric toothbrush. Talk to your dentist and consider the advantages of each brush when choosing the right type for you.

Should You Use a Manual or Electric Toothbrush?


dentistThe main benefit of a manual toothbrush is the cost. You can purchase this brush at most grocery stores and pharmacies, and your dentist might even give you one for free after an appointment. They’re also convenient for travel, allowing you to stash them in a bag and use without charging.

While manual toothbrushes are affordable and convenient, it’s essential to use them properly. Users will need to time themselves to ensure that they brush for the recommended two minutes. Manual brush users may also brush with too much force, which may erode enamel and dentin. If you plan to stick with a manual model, be sure to talk to your dentist about how to brush most effectively.


While it’s possible to achieve a healthy mouth with a manual brush, an electric model can make brushing more efficient. Several studies have shown that electric toothbrushes reduce the presence of plaque and gingivitis when compared to manual brushes. Since these brushes often have built-in timers, people of all ages can stay on track while brushing. They’re also useful for people with arthritis and other conditions that limit wrist mobility.

Purchasing a quality electric toothbrushes is an investment. In addition to the brush itself, you’ll need to buy replacement heads and batteries. If you aren’t sure whether this investment is worth it for you, talk to your dentist. They can recommend whether an electric model will elevate your oral hygiene or if a manual brush will work just as well for your oral health situation.


If you’re still contemplating between manual and electric brushes, talk to the professionals at Curtis Wade, DDS, PS, in Burlington, WA. Dr. Wade is a qualified, experienced dentist and he and his team offer routine cleanings, periodontal disease treatments, dental implants, and more. Request an appointment online or call (360) 757-0201 to speak with a specialist.
