
As the temperature drops this winter, the right home furnace will keep your family comfortable all season. If you’re installing a furnace in a new home or updating your current unit, you might not be sure which model is best. This simple guide will break down the main types of furnaces so you can choose an HVAC system that fits your needs.  

Selecting the Right Furnace for Your Space


Most American homes have gas furnaces and central HVAC systems. One of the main perks of this type of heating system is energy cost. When compared to electric units, gas furnaces are usually less expensive to run. However, homeowners may need to invest more in maintenance and inspection, since gas furnaces can release carbon monoxide when damaged. These units generally last for about 15 years.


HVACIf you live in or are purchasing an older home, you may already have an oil furnace. These models are about as energy-efficient as gas furnaces, but they lack the convenience of a gas hookup. You’ll need to order oil from a delivery company. Once installed, these models can last up to 20 years. However, some homeowners may ask their HVAC company to convert the unit to run on gas for added convenience. 


This type of heating unit is growing in popularity, since electric furnaces may pose less of a safety risk than gas or oil models. When damaged, electric furnaces are less likely to cause a fire and do not leak hazardous gases. However, while the units themselves cost less than gas and oil furnaces, they’re generally less efficient. You may also consider investing in a backup generator as well since these units will shut down during a power outage. 


To help you select the right HVAC unit for your family, call the team at Richmond Hill Air Conditioning. These professionals have been serving families across Bryan County, GA, for more than 30 years, installing quality heating and cooling units for optimal comfort. If your units are not functioning as well as they could, this team can identify the issue and make necessary repairs at affordable prices. To view a full list of their services, visit them online. You can also call (912) 756-2288 to schedule an appointment. 
