
A healthy flossing regimen can help your children avoid trips to the dentist for cavity treatments. Done properly, flossing removes trapped food particles that cavity-causing bacteria feed on. Getting children to want to floss, though, can be difficult, so here are a few ways to make it a little more fun.

How to Encourage Your Kids to Floss

1. Make It a Competition

Whether you compete with your kid or have their sibling join in, think of a game they’d like. One idea is a contest to see who’s the most thorough at flossing in a one-minute time limit. When time’s up, have each contestant use a plaque-disclosing agent and have their mouths inspected by an objective judge. Whoever has the cleanest mouth wins bragging rights and a small reward. Not only does this get kids engaged in flossing, but it will also highlight any places they need to go back over, improving their attentiveness to their dental health.

2. Give Them an Incentive

dentistChildren thrive on positive reinforcement. Make a chart or calendar to hang on the wall, and check off each day your child has flossed. Set rewards for certain streaks, such as getting their favorite meal when they’ve flossed for a full week or taking them and a friend to the movies when they’ve flossed for two. Keep the rewards varied to maintain their interest, and verbally praise them for a job well done when they reach new streaks.

3. Join & Educate Them

If you don’t already, begin brushing and flossing with your children. When they question why flossing is necessary, educate them at age-appropriate levels on oral health, letting them know that skipping flossing will make them more likely to develop gum disease and cavities. If they still aren’t convinced or you’re still struggling to get them to floss, enlist a knowledgeable dentist for help. They’ll be able to go into detail, use pictures and props, and really explain to your children the importance of healthy teeth.


When you need an experienced dentist to speak to your children about flossing or check on their teeth, contact Gladstein Dental Center in New Britain, CT. Backed by more than 28 years of experience, they offer comprehensive family dentistry services at competitive rates, treating a host of conditions. Whether you need fillings, cosmetic services, TMJ treatment, or a simple exam, their team will cater to your comfort and needs with state-of-the-art care. Learn about their services online, and call (860) 223-1162 to schedule your child’s appointment today.
