
Every driver who gets behind the wheel of a car trusts that their brakes are properly working. Although brakes are essential to each vehicle, few take the time to extend the life and effectiveness of them, resulting in professional brake service. Here are a few ways motorists can ensure their brakes will work for years to come.

3 Ways to Maintain Your Brakes

1. Stay One Step Ahead

While driving, be aware of what's happening around you and anticipate the coming moments. When you see road signs, stopped traffic, or a sharp turn ahead, press on your brake gradually to slow down in time. By staying one step ahead, you reduce the need to slam on your brakes, minimizing their wear and tear.

2. Don't Speed

brake serviceBrakes work harder when accelerated vehicles come to a stop. For example, stopping from a 65 mph traveling speed uses a third more brake energy than stopping from a 55 mph speed.

3. Schedule Regular Brake Maintenance

A brake service professional can address any issues that might be present, and they’ll also identify potential problems before they develop into driving hazards. Brake service should be considered a routine part of your vehicle upkeep. Many drivers have their brakes inspected every 10,000 miles or as part of their regular oil change service. If you have an older car or one with a history of brake issues, you may want to schedule regular inspections about every four to six months.


If your vehicle is due for routine brake maintenance, contact the team at Fantastik Auto Repair in Honolulu, HI. For over 40 years, they’ve provided quality brake service, oil changes, and transmission and engine repair. Dedicated to customer service, they work on all domestic, import, and European vehicles and have convenient day, evening, and weekend business hours. Send a message online or call (808) 842-3777 for a free estimate, and get the latest updates on Facebook.
