
At some point, your dentist has probably talked to you about the importance of flossing. Not only does the practice promote excellent oral hygiene, but it also lowers your risk of heart disease and other serious health problems. Here are five tips to help you get the most benefit from flossing.

Common Flossing Mistakes

1. Not Doing It Regularly

The most basic tip about flossing is to make sure you’re doing it — period. If you only floss every once in a while when you happen to think about it, or when you have a piece of food stuck in your teeth, you’re allowing plaque to accumulate between the teeth and along the gum line. Get in the habit of flossing daily to reduce the build-up of plaque and decay-causing bacteria. 

2. Flossing Too Hard

Flossing too vigorously can injure your gums. Avoid holding the floss with tight tension and snapping it forcefully into the gum pocket. Instead, keep some slack on the floss and use steady, gentle pressure to move it back and forth between and along the surface of the teeth.

3. Not Flossing Thoroughly

dentistTo get the most benefit from your at-home dental care routine, set aside two or three minutes each day to dedicate to flossing. Make sure you floss both sides of each tooth, including the ones in the back. If you have dental appliances such as a bridge or braces, take care to floss around those, too.

4. Flossing Mindlessly

Flossing isn’t the most exciting activity, so it’s easy for your mind to wander while you’re doing it. Focus on starting in the same place and flossing your teeth in the same order each time, so you can be sure you don’t miss any. Pay attention to bleeding or unusual smells, which could be signs of an infection that your dentist needs to address. 

5. Not Using Enough Floss

Reusing sections of dental floss simply moves plaque around and raises your risk of spreading infection throughout your mouth. Use about 18 to 24 inches of floss per session. If you’re concerned about “wasting” floss, ask your family dentist about switching to a water flossing device.


For more oral hygiene tips, turn to James Julien DDS in Kenai, AK. For more than 20 years, his team has been providing patients with comprehensive dental services in a caring, comfortable environment. Whether you need a basic exam, dental crowns, or teeth whitening, Dr. Julien and his team can help. Visit the practice online to learn more about their services, or call (907) 283-4857 to make a dentist appointment today.
