
As the winter temperatures continue to drag on, ensure your home is prepared to brace them. When it comes to heating and cooling equipment, your AC unit’s condenser may require special attention. But how can you winterize this cumbersome appliance—does it need to be sheltered from the wind and snow? You can learn more about protecting your air condenser by reviewing the following guide.

Should I Cover My Air Condenser This Winter?

There are notable pros and cons to both completely covering your AC unit’s condenser and leaving it exposed to the winter weather. On the one hand, a bit of shelter could protect the box from direct contact with snow, ice, and wind. On the other, encasing the condenser could prove even more detrimental.

AC UnitFor example, the cover could trap moisture from the outside air, corroding the condenser or fueling mold growth. It could also create a warm, haven for rats, squirrels, and other pests, which could eventually nibble on essential wires in search of food.

How Can I Protect My Air Condenser?

Luckily, the condenser box was designed to sit outside your home, so its capable of withstanding a significant amount of wind, extreme temperatures, and fluctuations in humidity. However, there is always a chance that icicles, twigs, and other debris could fall into the box during the winter. To prevent them from damaging your AC unit’s condenser without entertaining the risks above, you can invest in a partial cover. These only encircle the top quarter of the condenser, so moisture can still escape, and pests won’t consider the box a shelter.


If you’re worried about your AC unit this winter and want a professional opinion, get in touch with Donovan & Jorgenson today. They have been serving the Greater Milwaukee area since 1985, and they’re proud to offer 24-hour service should you encounter an emergency. For more information on their services, visit the website. You can also call (262) 784-6440 to schedule a free estimate today.
