
When caring for a loved one who is living with dementia, it’s important to have them frequently participate in stimulating activities. This can help to improve cognitive function, slow down memory loss, and reduce feelings of anxiety and irritability. The best activities will be mentally engaging without becoming overwhelming. Keep in mind that your loved one’s state of mind can vary from day-to-day, so it’s a good idea to come up with several different things you can do together depending on their current mood and capabilities. Here are a few meaningful activities someone with dementia can enjoy. 

Stimulating Activity Ideas for a Loved One Living With Dementia   

1. Listen to Music or Play an Instrument

Listening to old songs from your loved one’s past can be soothing and help them remember certain events associated with the music. If they used to play a musical instrument, bring this out from time to time to see if they can pick it back up. This will allow them to maintain some coordination.

2. Do Housework

Everyone gets enjoyment out of feeling productive. Put together a list of light chores your loved one can do to help keep up the household, like folding towels, sweeping the floor, or wiping off the table. Doing housework can also help those with memory loss retain some of their life skills. 

3. Play a Card Game

dementiaSomeone in the early stages of dementia may do well with classic card games, such as go fish or solitaire. As the disease progresses, they might simply like to shuffle the cards or separate them according to suit or color. Be sure to pay attention to their response, and if they seem to get frustrated, move on to a different game or activity. 

4. Go for a Walk 

If your loved one is mobile, get them outdoors for some fresh air and exercise. This has a number of benefits, including better sleep and an improved mood. While outside, you can use nature to encourage sensory experiences. Take the time to stop and smell the roses, feel the sunshine on your face, and listen to the birds chirping. 


Keeping your loved one engaged in activities such as these will enhance their quality of life, as well as promote a stronger connection between the two of you. To learn more about caring for someone with dementia, contact the professionals at Memory Care Home Solutions. They are dedicated to making sure family caregivers in St. Louis, MO, receive the support and training necessary to properly manage a loved one’s progressing memory loss. All services they offer are free of charge and can make a vast difference in everyone’s ability to cope with cognitive impairment. Call (314) 645-6247 or visit their website for more information about the program they provide.
