
You probably already know that certain foods are bad for your teeth. For example, your dentist may have talked with you about avoiding sugary snacks and drinks to prevent tooth decay. However, did you know that some foods can actually clean teeth while you’re eating them? Add these foods to your diet to keep your smile clean and healthy.

5 Teeth-Cleaning Foods

1. Carrots

Carrots are high in fiber, so chewing them creates friction that scrapes away plaque and food debris. Because they’re so crunchy, carrots increase saliva production, which rinses teeth clean. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, one of the most important nutrients for maintaining strong teeth and healthy gums.

2. Apples

dentistThe high fiber content in apples makes them another great choice when you want a healthy, teeth-scrubbing snack. Leave the skin on to stimulate your gums and prevent periodontal disease. The acidity in apples kills off bacteria that can cause bad breath, so try eating one at the end of a meal to keep your breath fresh.

3. Celery

The crunchy, stringy texture of celery creates a toothbrush-like effect, scrubbing away bacteria and bits of food as you chew. Celery certainly isn’t a substitute for a professional cleaning, but munching it regularly will help keep your teeth clean between visits to your family dentist. Like carrots, celery is also rich in vitamin A.

4. Leafy Greens

Greens such as spinach and kale are full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so they’re great for nourishing your body and cleaning your teeth. They’re particularly rich in calcium, which strengthens tooth enamel, and vitamin B, which fights gum disease.

5. Cheese

Cheese doesn’t exactly clean your teeth while eating it, but it does protect other foods from damaging your teeth. Cheese contains casein, a protein that prevents tooth decay. It’s also a great source of calcium, so it helps build tooth enamel.


Tkatch Dentistry in High Point, NC, provides comprehensive dental services for patients of all ages. Whether it’s a simple check-up, root canal therapy, or dental veneers, their compassionate team offers the care you need to keep your smile looking great. Call (336) 889-9916 to schedule a dentist appointment or visit the practice’s website to learn more about their services.
