
If your home relies on a water well, you know that routine maintenance is key to ensuring safe, clean water quality. Regular testing is one aspect of well upkeep, and it’s important for homeowners to schedule inspections accordingly. The following overview explains how often testing should occur and what kind of issues it will identify.

A Guide to Water Well Testing

When Water Wells Should Be Tested

If you’re buying a home with a private water well, a comprehensive water quality test is required by law as part of the inspection process. It’s also required every five years for leased properties. Beyond the legal requirement, repairs to a well or fixing quality issues can be quite expensive, so it’s advantageous to have the water tested as you may be able to renegotiate your contract with the seller.

Routine testing should also occur once you occupy the home. Test annually for total coliform bacteria, pH levels, dissolved solids, and nitrates. Bacteria, nitrates, and solids can make you ill, while water that’s too alkaline or too acidic will taste unpleasant and may indicate pollution. Check every three to five years for rarer contaminants like lead, manganese, and volatile organic compounds. 

Special Circumstances

water wellCertain situations also require testing on a more frequent basis. For instance, construction or the use of hazardous materials near the well may introduce contaminants or bacteria to the water. If you’ve recently replaced or repaired the pipes of your water system, it’s wise to check water quality soon after. If you’re pregnant or have a newborn at home, you should also conduct tests for nitrates more frequently. Finally, if you notice any changes in your water quality – a cloudy appearance, an unusual taste, and staining or residue of your appliances – you should have your water tested. 


If you’d like to schedule a well system inspection in Hamburg, NJ, Henderson Well and Pump is here to help. With more than 59 years of industry experience, these water well professionals conduct thorough inspections to ensure your home’s water is safe and free of contaminants. They also install new water pumps, repair tanks, clean wells, and offer many other services essential to maintaining water quality. Schedule service by calling (973) 764-7240 today. You can also learn more about the company by visiting their website.
