
When most people think of going to the dentist, they probably think about having their teeth cleaned or getting rid of a cavity. Though dentists most often treat issues relating to teeth, they can do far more than just keep your pearly whites looking great. They can also help patients struggling with sleep apnea. Believe it or not, many apnea symptoms are actually caused or at least heavily influenced by your oral health. Here are a few ways your dentist can help.

3 Ways Your Dentist Can Help with Sleep Apnea

1. Detect Early Warning Signs

Sleep ApneaPeople exhibit signs of apnea before they ever talk to their doctor about their sleeping habits and the most common sign is grinding teeth. Dentists will be able to assess whether or not you’re grinding your teeth while you sleep and then ask about your sleep habits. By identifying the warning signs, they’ll help you get diagnosed more quickly while also preserving the strength of your teeth

2. Fit You with a Device to Alleviate Symptoms

You will need to go to a sleep clinic and have your sleep patterns evaluated by an experienced doctor before a formal diagnosis can be made. However, once you’re diagnosed with sleep apnea, your dentist can fit you to a treatment device to help you sleep and breathe normally. They’ll be able to cover maintenance, cleaning, and assess issues if anything happens to the device.

3. Reduce Your Risk of Health Conditions

By catching symptoms early, your dentist will help reduce your risk of common health conditions associated with long-term sleep disorders. These include heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure just to name a few. When left untreated, apnea can worsen existing health conditions and lead to life-threatening issues.


Worried about sleep apnea? Contact Nayaug Family Dental in South Glastonbury, CT. As an experienced family dentist, Dr. Chiffer will make your experience in the dental chair pleasant, fast, and fun. If you’re exhibiting signs of apnea or have recently been diagnosed, he and his staff will fit you with the appropriate appliance to help normalize your breathing and sleep. Learn more about their procedures online and call (860) 633-6167 to make an appointment today.
