
You likely do your part to help the environment by recycling glass, paper, and plastic. But do you know how this practice truly impacts the environment? This daily effort affects the Earth more than you may think, especially when you encourage your family and friends to bring items to their local recycling center. The following are some key benefits that recycling has on the planet.

Why Recycling Really Does Help The Environment

1. Reduces Landfill Waste

recycling centerIf you didn’t place that plastic container or glass bottle in your recycling bin, it would end up in a landfill. Non-biodegradable materials can sit in these landfills for centuries, and some of these objects will produce greenhouse gasses over time. By recycling these products instead, you can keep them out of landfills and avoid the associated pollution.

2. Lowers Energy Consumption

When materials are recycled to make new products, this cuts the energy required for the manufacturing process. Plastic production can use an especially high amount of energy, and recycling centers use much less. Recycling also reduces the need to mine for new materials, reducing energy consumption even more. 

3. Controls Pollution

Since material production requires a lot of energy, it also produces more pollution. Studies have shown that using recycled paper reduced air pollutants by 73% and water pollutants by 35%. As this pollution continues to decrease, the Earth’s air, soil, and water can remain clean.

4. Conserves Resources

One of the most immediate effects of recycling is the conservation of raw materials. Recycled paper reduces the demand for lumber, and recycled plastic and steel preserve oil. Since many natural resources are finite, recycling can help preserve them for as long as possible. By bringing your items to your local recycling center, you can do your part in this conservation as well.


To help you continue your positive recycling impact, visit a reputable recycling center. Green Earth serves communities in Central Virginia, keeping waste management as environmentally friendly as possible. Located in Harrisonburg, their recycling services go beyond paper and plastic. They also accept concrete, bricks, and wood. They provide organic composting materials as well. To view a full list of services, visit them online. You can also speak with a recycling expert by calling (540) 801-8668. 
