
Your water heater is an essential appliance that is difficult to replace, so you want the one you have to last as long as possible. There are several steps you can take to extend its life span and keep it working smoothly. Here’s the maintenance you should perform regularly on your water heater.

How to Maintain Your Water Heater

1. Check the Anode Rod

The anode rod is a bar inside your water heater’s tank whose purpose is to corrode so that the tank itself doesn’t. After a few years of use, the anode rod will be degraded enough that it can no longer do its job, so check it regularly and replace it when you can see large sections of metal missing.

2. Test the Pressure Release Valve

Find the pressure release valve, which will be near the top of your water tank and open it. Some steam, froth, or hot water should come out. If nothing or very little comes out, replace the valve—it is likely blocked.

3. Rinse Out Sediment

Water HeaterOver time, thousands of gallons of water flow through your water heater, leaving behind tiny amounts of minerals, rust, and other debris. These bits of sediment tend to collect in your tank, so about once a year, drain your tank, then flush it with water until it runs clear.

4. Watch for Corrosion & Leaks

Problems with your pipes and with small replaceable parts, like the valves, can be easily repaired. But leaks in the water tank itself cannot and may call for a replacement. Watch for any signs of dripping water or floor stains and look to see where the leak comes from; if it’s your tank, call your plumbing contractor about a replacement.

5. Schedule Professional Maintenance

Every two or three years, plan for a visit from a professional to check over the rest of your water heater, including the burners or power supply and any areas you may have missed. Regular professional inspections will help identify growing problems and give you a more specific timeline for your water heater’s life span.


To have your water heater inspected or repaired, call Osterwisch Company in Cincinnati, OH. Serving the Tri-State area for over 70 years, they provide a full range of plumbing, HVAC, and electrical contractor services to keep your home comfortable and safe. To schedule a visit, call (513) 791-3282 or send a message online.
