
Sewer pipes typically have a long life expectancy, but at some point, even the highest-quality ones will need to be replaced. To avoid costly damage to your home, it’s crucial to schedule sewer services at the first signs of weakness. Here are a few red flags that indicate your sewer pipes have reached their expiration date.

3 Signs You Need Sewer Line Replacement

1. Sewage Backups

If you experience a backup each time you flush the toilet or take a shower, this is a sign of trouble. The backup may also be accompanied by a gurgling sound. While the underlying cause is often a clog, it may be related to your sewer line if it happens frequently. To get to the root of the problem, hire a sewer service professional who can conduct a camera inspection of the pipes to see what’s causing the issue. 

2. Septic Waste Pooling

sewer serviceAre there puddles in your yard that smell of sewage? This is a tell-tale sign of a problem with your sewer line. When there is a leak in the pipe, the wastewater will seep to the surface. Never attempt to fix the problem on your own — this is an environmental hazard and must be handled by a sewer service company. 

3. Foul Odors

Sewer odors are more than just foul, they can also release contaminants into the air that cause health problems. If you can smell sewage around your home, it’s a sign that there is a crack in the sewer line. Musty odors are also a sign that your sewer pipes are on the fritz. This happens when mold and mildew grow on pipes due to a leak.


If your sewer pipes are displaying any of these warning signs, trust the experts at Roto-Rooter in Toccoa, GA, to diagnose the source of the problem and work with you to find the best solution. Their expert technicians specialize in everything from drain cleaning and maintenance to sewer pipe repair and replacement. They also offer 24-hour emergency service, so you can get help as quickly as possible. Call (706) 244-0351 today to schedule a sewer service with one of their technicians or visit their website to read answers to frequently asked questions. 
