
After a summer filled with pool parties and sunbathing, homeowners are tasked with closing up their pool for the winter. While it may seem like a lot of work, this maintenance is necessary if you want your pool to be in tip-top condition when the next summer rolls around. Below is a quick guide to winter pool maintenance.


Winter weather can cause water to freeze and expand. If you have skimmers or filters sitting in an uncovered pool, they will crack from the pressure. If possible, remove the skimmers and filters before putting on the cover. If you have permanent fixtures, purchase expandable plugs to seal the fittings during the winter.

Vinyl Liners

poolFailing to use a cover leaves your vinyl liner exposed to falling debris. Branches, ice, and other debris can pierce or tear the liner. Sun exposure can also shorten the life span of the liner. Additionally, the leaves and dirt will decay and cause staining. During the winter, continue to vacuum any debris on top of the cover as the weight can also damage the pool. 

Pipe & Pump Damage

Improper winter maintenance can result in pipe damage. When water is left in the pipes of the pool, it will freeze and expand, leading to burst pipes and cracked pool pumps. To avoid this issue, ensure that the water has been removed from all of the pipes and the water level is below the filter system.


If you need assistance with winter pool maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact the technicians at Distinctive Swimming Pools. Serving residents throughout Litchfield County, CT, this family-owned swimming company specializes in year-round pool maintenance, along with renovation and repair services. They also carry a variety of premium pool products to meet your specific needs. Call (860) 868-3622 today to schedule an appointment for maintenance or visit their website to learn more about their services.
