
Sometimes home repairs are as obvious as a broken window; it very clearly is going to need to be fixed, right away! Sometimes, they’re a little more subtle, like a leak in the basement that goes unnoticed or a window that just never closed the right way after last winter. Since it can sometimes be difficult to tell if it’s time to get new windows, the window specialists at NuVue Products have collected their top seven tips on how to know when it’s time to call them to replace your windows. 

The following should signal that it's time to get new windows:

  • Peeling Paint: Often a sign of moisture, UV ray damage or temperature changes, peeling paint near your windows indicates it’s a good time to replace the windows.
  • Soft Window Frames: Another sign of moisture damage, soft window frames can lead to rot or mold growth.
  • Difficulty Opening/Closing: A window that is tough to open or close, or to keep open or closed, is going to need to be replaced, as it no longer fits correctly.
  • Drafts: Draft windows aren’t just unpleasant to sit near; they can also blow moisture into a room creating mold growth or damage to carpeting and furniture. If a candle flame flickers near a window, it’s likely drafty enough to need replacing.
  • Frost or Ice Formation: Any frost or ice formation on a window indicates that condensation has built up inside the panes and that the window is no longer well insulated. Frost and ice formation on windows can put extra pressure on an HVAC system as well.
  • Visible Light: If there is visible light around the edge of the window from the inside, it’s definitely time for new windows.
  • Noise: If outside noise enters a room easily from outside, it might be time to look into new windows that fit tightly in the frame.

Of course, money is another reason to consider replacing windows; new, energy-efficient window models have proven to save homeowners money in both environmental rebates and in energy bills! For more information on new windows, window replacement, and energy-efficient windows, call the window specialists at NuVue Products at (513) 631-1801 or email
