
Lighting helps set the mood in any space, whether that space is a living room, public rest area, business meeting room, or anything else. It can energize or soothe, promote romance or contribute to feelings of anxiousness and fear. If you are in the midst of planning a music event, use these concert lighting tips to create the mood you want.

How to Use Concert Lighting to Create a Distinct Mood

Consider the Concert Type

Think about the type of music event you are planning first, including the genre as well as the performance space. Is it an intimate show by a jazz singer in a small club or a rock concert in an arena hundreds of fans will flock to? Soft, muted lighting that seems to bathe the performer works for smaller settings and slower, almost hypnotizing, music while bright lights in dramatic colors work well for loud concerts with lots of effects such as pyrotechnics. If your show is something in between the two, you may need several concert lighting options that change in relation to the song being played.

Choose the Right Colors

concert lightingRefresh yourself on the emotions and feelings certain colors evoke. Red, for example, is the color of fire and passion—its intensity can sometimes prove irritating to the mind. Yellow, in comparison, is the hue of joy and cheerfulness. Green is assorted with nature, healing, and fertility while blue promotes trust and a tranquil environment. Orange is warm and stimulating, and purple features an air of mystery. Keep these and other emotions linked to colors in mind as you plan your concert lighting scheme.

Experiment With Lighting Types

Once you have your color scheme picked out, experiment with different types of lighting and how they look in relation to the hue or hues you are using. Wash lighting, for example, provides light over a much broader area compared to spot and profile lighting that usually focus on one object or person. Fresnel lighting is another option that creates a chain of moving light. You may find spotlights work for dramatic interludes while fresnel lighting is perfect for performance art-type pieces. Wash lighting will likely be your base as you continue experimenting.


If you require concert lighting assistance to make your next big event pop, work with Audio Images Sound & Lighting. The Batavia-based company has proudly served Western New York for 20 years and is your one-stop shop for event productions. Call (585) 343-4050 today to schedule a consultation or visit the website for service details. Get more tips on Twitter.
