
When you purchase an item off the shelf, you trust that it’s safe to handle and use. But if the product is defective, the seller or the manufacturer may be held liable. In many cases, consumers can file product liability claims if they purchase something that causes an injury. But how can you tell if the distributor is to blame? Here are a few instances when you should seek the assistance of a personal injury attorney for product liability.

3 Product Liability & Personal Injury Claims

1. Defective Manufacturing

Poor manufacturing practices can result in inferior products that aren’t safe to use. Often, the defect impacts a single or handful of items in a batch, sometimes due to a flaw somewhere in the production chain. Examples include tainted medications or toys with broken parts. To file a successful claim, a consumer must prove that an injury occurred specifically because the product had a defect. For example, if you got sick after consuming medicine with a harmful substance, you may need to supply medical proof.

2. Improper Design

personal injurySometimes the defect exists within the item’s design. In this case, the problem would affect the entire batch of products. Examples include lawnmowers that lack rollover protection and are at risk of tipping over, or heating pads that catch on fire. If there is a recorded trend of incidents, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission may issue a recall. As a consumer, you would have to prove that an incident or personal injury occurred because of the product’s specific defect.

3. Shoddy Instructions

A product that fails to provide proper usage instructions or sufficient warnings may also cause damage. Many items require cautionary language to alert consumers to potential hazards that may not be immediately obvious. For example, medicines must note harmful interactions with other medications. Toys must have choking hazards clearly listed. These types of warnings may prevent serious personal injuries that might otherwise occur. Your claim would have to show evidence that your damages were the direct result of vital information that the manufacturer failed to provide.


Providing services in Chardon, OH, since 1980, the lawyers at Ibold & O’Brien are proud to assist you when you need legal assistance from skilled professionals who offer a proven track record. The attorneys specialize in personal injury law, as well as criminal defense, bankruptcy, and medical malpractice suits. Given that their scope is broad, they can help you determine the best course of action for your legal concern. Visit their website to find out more, or call (440) 285-3511.
