
Having white teeth boosts your appearance and confidence. Besides sticking to regular trips to the dentist and good hygiene habits, some foods can help give your grin a vibrant upgrade. Here are a few to include in your diet.

What to Eat for Whiter Teeth

1. Dairy

Dairy products are an excellent way to not only whiten teeth but also make them stronger. Cheese contains casein, which benefits gums and protects teeth from mineral loss on tooth enamel. Milk and yogurt have lactic acid, and all milk-based products have calcium, a mineral that is known to brighten smiles and make enamel more durable.

2. Strawberries

This sweet fruit contains malic acid, a natural astringent that removes surface discoloration. Strawberries also pack a healthy punch of vitamin C, manganese, folate, and potassium. The healthier you eat, the better your smile.

3. Apples

dentistDoctors and dentists agree that an apple a day comes with a host of benefits. Apples have a high water content to boost saliva production. This extra moisture purges your mouth of bacteria that can dull tooth color.

4. Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds, specifically sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, and cashews, have rough exteriors that fight staining. These delicious snacks essentially exfoliate your smile.

5. Oranges      

Even though oranges contain citric acid, they help balance acidity in your mouth. Too much acidity leads to tooth decay that degrades whiteness.

6. Celery & Carrots

Similar to apples, celery and carrots have a high water content that will wash away bacteria in your mouth. They also help eliminate leftover food bits.

7. Broccoli

Broccoli is a coarser veggie that when eaten raw gives your teeth a quick cleaning. Loose food debris and surface staining are reduced, making broccoli a healthy snack between visits to the dentist.


Gladstein Dental Center has been New Britain, CT’s choice in dentist for almost 30 years. Dr. Eric Gladstein and his staff ensure each patient receives top-notch care whether they require fillings and dentures or a regular cleaning to whiten teeth. The team stays current in advances in procedures and technology to deliver quality results and the best in dental healthcare. For an appointment, call the family dentistry center at (860) 223-1162. Visit their website to learn more about Dr. Gladstein.
