
Soccer is a fun sport played around the world by professionals and amateurs alike. Whether you play soccer for fun or are a competitive athlete, it’s important to understand what injuries are prevalent and how you can avoid them with the help of a sports medicine professional. If you’re looking to prioritize prevention, here’s a rundown on common injuries and what you can do to protect yourself.

3 Common Soccer Injuries

1. Joint Sprains

Soccer players sprint, pivot, and change directions quickly to maintain control of the ball. As a result, these athletes often endure joint sprains in the knees and ankles. The best way to avoid this injury is stretching properly before games and practices and knowing your limits. You can also work with a sports medicine clinic to protect your joints with conditioning and muscle building exercises. In addition to preventing strains, conditioning and osteopathic manipulation improve range of motion and flexibility, resulting in performance optimization.

2. Tendinitis

sports medicineTendinitis refers to tendon inflammation or irritation. This issue can occur in any tendon; however, it’s most common for soccer players in the knees and heels due to constant running and kicking. Sports medicine professionals encourage players to stretch before physical activity, practice strength and muscle building exercises, and work on technique to reduce inflammation. Switching up your workouts and taking rest days are also necessary for a tendon's recovery.

3. Bone Fractures

Players are likely to run into one another on occasion when trying to protect or capture the ball. These collisions lead to bone fractures, so make sure you have the proper equipment, like shin guards, to shield from serious injury. Playing in an aggressive mindset often increases the risk of hurting yourself or others on the field.


If you’re an avid athlete or an exercise novice looking for an integrated approach to performance optimization and a reduced risk of injury, work with the experts at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI. The team of sports medicine specialists will identify musculoskeletal injuries, prescribe muscle relaxants, nutrition plans, and more. Call (808) 521-8170 to schedule an appointment or view their services online.
