
Candy canes are a delicious holiday treat adored by people of all ages. But because of their high sugar content and extremely hard texture, these candies can wreak havoc on one's teeth and gums. To help protect your oral health while still enjoying one of the hallmark flavors of the season, below is a dentist's guide to some do’s and don'ts for eating candy canes.


Limit yourself.

There's no reason you have to cut candy canes out entirely, but the key is to limit consumption. View them as a holiday delicacy and only indulge every once in a while. It's no secret that sugary snacks have an addictive quality, so you may want to restrict how many candy canes you purchase and ration them accordingly.

Brush immediately after eating.

dentistOnce you've finished a candy cane, brush your teeth thoroughly. Hardened sugar is very sticky, and it can adhere to the teeth with virtually no effort on your part. If it isn't possible to brush immediately afterward, aim to at least rinse your mouth with water or, even better, with mouthwash or a fluoride rinse.


Bite them.

A good rule of thumb to protect your teeth and gums when enjoying any hard candy is to refrain from biting down. Sucking on candy is easier on the teeth and greatly reduces the likelihood of a chip or a break. Plus, the treat will last longer, which is always a perk when limiting consumption.

Neglect your teeth.

If your teeth or gums get damaged by a candy cane, be sure to see a dentist promptly. A dentist will be able to determine the extent of the damage and the best ways to remedy it. Be aware of the warning signs of oral health issues, including toothache pain, sensitivity to cold or hot foods, and red or swollen gums.


By following some basic do’s and don'ts, you can still partake in the occasional candy cane while looking out for your teeth and gums. Should any problems arise, contact Anchorage Dental Center. Since 1964, they have been providing caring, compassionate dental services to families throughout the Anchorage area; they offer exams, X-rays, teeth cleaning and whitening, dental implants, and much more. Schedule an appointment with a dentist by calling (907) 278-2521, visiting their website, or messaging them on Facebook.
