
When it comes to comprehensive hearing protection, proper management of tinnitus is crucial. Characterized by a ringing or buzzing noise in the ears, tinnitus can occur due to age, exposure to loud sounds over time, and many other reasons. If you experience these symptoms, the following information will help you take the right steps to manage them.

How to Manage Tinnitus 

1. Masking Devices

Masking devices, also known as sound therapy, can help mitigate some of the bothersome effects of tinnitus. Devices include white noise machines, electric fans, or even background sounds played by a TV or stereo. This is a good approach at nighttime, as tinnitus may disrupt your sleep schedule. However, the benefits of masking devices aren’t a sustainable form of hearing protection as they typically only last while they’re being used.

2. Hearing Aids

hearing protectionWhile hearing aids are not usually considered a form of hearing protection, they can help diminish the effects of tinnitus in some cases. This is because some hearing devices also incorporate soothing sound therapy along with boosting your hearing ability. These devices can be worn throughout the day, which makes them more effective than simply using a masking device at night. An audiologist can explain these devices in detail and find one that suits your needs. 

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy may also help you cope with the annoying effects of tinnitus. Because the condition can cause stress, a therapist will help you tap into stress-reducing techniques, which are also good for dealing with anxiety. Therapists can also help develop coping skills that take patients’ minds off the buzzing and ringing in their ears and onto other aspects of their lives. Altering a person’s response to tinnitus is sometimes sufficient enough to provide relief.


If the effects of tinnitus are disrupting your daily life, Russellville Hearing Clinic in Pope County, AR, is here to help. These audiologists have more than 20 years of experience treating and preventing hearing loss through the use of hearing aids, auditory testing, and treatment of inner ear conditions. To learn more about hearing protection or to schedule an appointment, call (479) 968-7250. For more information on managing your tinnitus symptoms, visit their website.
