
The holidays are about spending time with friends and family, including your favorite four-legged companions. While having your cat or dog around brings extra joy to the festivities, it also requires added precautions on your part. Holiday food, decorations, and houseguests pose risks to animals if you aren’t careful. Follow these pet care tips to keep them safe and happy throughout the celebrations.

3 Holiday Safety Tips for Pets

1. Decorate Wisely

pet carePoinsettias, holly, and mistletoe are toxic to cats and dogs, so refrain from using them in and around your home. When it comes to Christmas tree decorations, hang ornaments out of animals’ reach. If a bauble falls and breaks, your pet may cut themselves. If ingested, tinsel can fatally block the digestive tract and should be removed immediately by a pet care surgeon.

2. Keep Animals Away From Festive Feasts

It’s tempting to feed your pet table scraps from your lavish holiday meals, but doing so will make them ill. Turkey bones can splinter and cut delicate mouth tissues if chewed on, and onions, commonly found in stuffing, are toxic to cats and dogs. Chocolate is also dangerous because animals can’t digest the theobromines it contains, leading to potentially fatal symptoms like seizures.

3. Prepare for Houseguests in Advance

If you plan to invite friends or family over for the holidays, set aside a separate pet care room where your cat or dog can relax. Include water, food and their favorite toys. Turn on a television for white noise if they tend to get skittish around strange sounds, like laughing guests or firecrackers.


For over 29 years, Mililani Town Center Pet Clinic in Hawaii has been caring for the four-legged members of the local community with compassion and dedication. Their highly-trained veterinarians treat each patient with the individual attention and respect they deserve. Find out about their comprehensive range of pet care services online. For an appointment, call the clinic directly at (808) 625-6744.
