
Septic tanks are probably the most prominent and expensive part of your home water treatment system, but they’re not the only component that needs care and regular maintenance. The leach field also performs a vital role, draining wastewater from the tank back into the soil, so efficiently many homeowners even forget it’s there. However, your leach field does require some occasional maintenance to function properly and avoid common causes of failure.

3 Tips for Maintaining Your Leach Field

1. Pouring Toxic Substances Down the Drain

Everything you pour into the drain will eventually end up in the soil outside. Paints, solvents, and other chemicals can kill the bacteria the system relies on to break down waste, while grease will clog pipes and cause the system to back up. To avoid unnecessary problems with the tank or the leach field, you should never put anything other than wastewater and toilet tissue in your drains.

2. Conserve Water

leach fieldEvery septic system is designed to handle a certain amount of wastewater every day. Exceeding those limits often results in an overflowing tank, backed-up sewage system, and an oversaturated leach field that can’t process water quickly enough. To keep excess water out of your sewage system, fix running toilets and leaking faucets as soon as possible, wait until you have a full load to do laundry, and take quick showers instead of baths.

3. Keep Vehicles Off of the Field

Leach fields aren’t designed to support the weight of vehicles or construction equipment, which can permanently damage your pipes and lead to failure. To get the most out of your leach field, never park your vehicle in that part of the lawn, and try to avoid the area when moving construction equipment around the property.


Whether your leach field is malfunctioning or you need an entirely new septic system, MK Enterprises is the contractor to call. As Kodiak, AK’s leading construction company, they offer unmatched expertise, fast service, and excellent workmanship on every project. Visit their website for an overview of their extensive services, or call (907) 486-5537 to speak with an expert and request an estimate.
