
As you prepare your home for winter once again, don’t forget about your floors. Carpets, in particular, require extra care to protect against cold weather elements and keep them bright and stain-free. In addition to putting down welcome mats and using runners in high-traffic areas, learn why professional carpet cleaning is among the best steps you can take for your soft flooring this winter.

Why Carpet Cleaning Is a Winter Preparation Must

1. Snow & Slush

Shoes caked with dirty snow and slush leave wet stains on carpets without the right care and prevention. Melting snow and slush also sink down into carpet padding and subflooring, often resulting in mold and mildew growth without immediate cleaning. Carpet cleaning eliminates snow and slush stains; implement a no-shoes policy in your home to keep additional snow and slush from getting tracked in. Consider adding shoe racks next to entry doors for this reason, especially if you intend to host family and friends throughout the winter.

2. Wet Animal Paws

carpet cleaningDogs and even cats can track snow, mud, and dirt into your home, especially when their paws are wet. If your carpets have become subject to wet, dirty animal paws, schedule carpet cleaning now and make a point of keeping your animals off of carpeted flooring with baby gates or similar means. Should carpet take up the majority of your home’s square footage, keep rags by your doors so paws always get wiped following outdoor adventures.

3. Soot

Fireplace soot is yet another reason to make a professional carpet cleaning appointment this winter. If the carpeting around your fireplace is noticeably dingy compared to the rest of your flooring, get it cleaned now before it stains further. Invest in fireplace gates to keep soot where it belongs during the coldest days of the year: in your fireplace.


If it’s been some time since your soft flooring received professional servicing, make an appointment with the certified carpet cleaners at All Care Restorations. The fully licensed restoration company provides homeowners throughout Lincoln, NE, with the expert services they need to maintain healthy homes free of water and smoke damage. Call (402) 421-3779 today to schedule carpet cleaning or visit their website for a full service list. Get more home cleaning tips on Twitter.
