
With the new year comes vows of improved health and a better diet. While noble, having a solid plan in place increases the odds of sticking to your new healthy living regimen, whatever that entails. The following are a few family doctor-approved methods of improving yourself in the upcoming year.

Health Tips for the New Year

1. Drink More Water

Water helps your body function, provides energy, and improves the look of your skin. In terms of how much to drink to stay healthy, the specific amount is different for everyone. Your family doctor can offer guidance on how much water you should consume throughout the day.

2. Be Gracious

A gracious attitude decreases stress and improves your overall outlook. Instead of focusing on the deficiencies in your life, look toward the positive, such as loving family and friends, a good job, or creative pursuits. If you’re feeling sad or depressed on a daily basis, consider seeking out behavioral health services.

3. Regulate Your Sleep Schedule

Lack of sleep not only makes you feel groggy, but it can also impact your health. Sleep deprivation is linked to numerous conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Adults should aim for at least seven to eight hours per night depending on their needs.

4. Walk 30 Minutes a Day

Family doctors urge patients to partake in moderate physical activity on a daily basis. Walking 30 minutes a day is ideal in this respect, as it requires minimal effort while providing so many benefits. Walking is also good for your mental health, especially when experiencing stress and anxiety.

5. Be Mindful of What You Eat

family doctorMindful eating can improve your relationship with food and help you maintain a healthy weight. This entails eating food slowly, learning hunger cues, and identifying emotional eating. Not only does this technique help you stay healthy, but it also allows you to appreciate your meals.


The family doctors at Fairbanks Clinic, Inc. want you to be healthy and happy all year long. That’s why they encourage their patients to take up the above healthy habits, while also stopping by this medical center for their annual checkups. With more than eight decades of experience, this health care clinic is capable of providing immunizations, diagnostic testing, treatment of chronic illnesses, women’s health services, and injury care. If you’d like to schedule an appointment in Fairbanks, AK, or have a question about a health issue, please call (907) 452-1761. You can also read more about their services by visiting their website.
