
Bones reach peak mass and strength by about age 30 for most of us, then degeneration begins. But don’t believe the myth that there’s nothing we can do to stop it!

Low bone density affects 44 Million Americans, and leads to over 2 million fractures each year. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons). But you can lower your risk, and ever REVERSE the loss.

Almost anyone at nearly any age can increase bone density and either reverse or completely avoid the risks of osteoporosis and osteopenia.

Consider this example: Your bones are like a bank account, and by increasing density you’ll have more for ‘retirement’. Your job is the keep the account level up by getting plenty of calcium and vitamin D, exercise, and other steps. 

In a recent meta-study the overwhelming result shows heavy weight bearing exercise the most effective method to keep bones from losing density, and to add more, reversing the impacts of loss. What’s most notable is the amount of force, or pressure, required to stimulate bone density growth in the hip and femur. These larger bones require 4.2 multiples of your body weight in order to stimulate the growth of new bone density. Although that level seems incredible, a gymnast regularly has up to 6 and 7 multiples of body weight, contributing to incredibly strong bones. However, the impact they endure causes tremendous damage to their joints

So, what now? 

A good workout in the gym does wonders for your body, but Osteogenic Loading is the most effective way to make safe ‘deposits’ in your bone bank without the damage associated with high impact activities. Look for your local OsteoStrong Center and register for two free sessions to see how Osteogenic Loading can help you stay healthy and strong.

In O’Fallon and all of St Charles County call OsteoStrong at 636-238-8696 for your first session.

