
Maintaining a vibrant smile requires diligent dental care, and paying attention to what you eat is an integral part. Certain foods and drinks will naturally stain your teeth over time, undoing what you’ve accomplished with brushing and flossing. While you don’t need to avoid them altogether, remember to always brush after consuming the following foods and drinks.

3 Teeth-Staining Foods & Drinks

1. Berries

Whether you’re eating them directly or enjoying them in a smoothie or juice, darker berries, like blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries, all stain. Your teeth are porous, and the juices, which often sit on the teeth for a while, will gradually sink in. Prevent staining by enjoying a glass of water simultaneously, and chew sugar-free gum to naturally wash your teeth after.

2. Tea & Coffee

dental-care-carter-s-yokoyama-ddsCoffee is one of the most well-known teeth-staining drinks. Tea may seem like a safe alternative, but it can cause similar issues. Because of their acidity, they erode enamel, making it easy for the tannins to permeate and create surface stains. The darker the tea or coffee, the worse the stains will be. Always brush after drinking and add milk to each to soften the color and give your teeth a calcium boost.

3. Sauces

Curry, soy sauce, tomato sauces, and other deeply pigmented foods can cling to your teeth and stain them. Luckily, they go well with plenty of anti-staining foods like kale, broccoli, and carrots that will lower the acidity in your mouth and also naturally scrub your teeth during chewing. They’re also important components in your dental care diet and ensure your teeth get the vitamins and minerals they need.


If you’re looking to brighten your smile, turn to the team at Carter S. Yokoyama, DDS. Located in Kailua-Kona, HI, Dr. Yokoyama and his team offer a variety of dental care services, including cosmetic dentistry, restorative services, and sleep apnea treatment. They pride themselves on their customer service, offering amenities like free hand wax treatments, snacks, and pillows to ensure patients’ comfort. Call (808) 322-0101 to schedule an appointment, and connect on Facebook for more dental care advice. To explore their services further, visit them online.
