
When planning a new build, whether it’s an apartment complex or a small home, you’ll need to first prepare the land. One of the first steps is clearing and grubbing, which consists of eradicating roots, stones, and anything else beneath the surface that may impede construction. As with any landscaping or construction project, grubbing requires special equipment. If this is your first clearing and construction project, you may not be sure what to use. Here’s a brief guide to help you determine what you’ll need. 

What Are the Types of Grubbing Equipment?

1. Bulldozers

Bulldozers are used in most land-clearing endeavors, including grubbing. These versatile pieces of machinery are particularly useful for clearing large pieces of land. It contains attachments, such as a plow and rake, to pull out bushes and shrubs and clear rocks. 

2. Excavators

grubbingExcavators are used in all types of digging projects to clear large spaces efficiently and quickly. As with any heavy machinery, these require operation by a trained, licensed professional.

3. Mulchers 

Mulchers use attachments to cut down plants, including trees and shrubbery, at the ground level without damaging the land. It then grinds the plant matter into mulch, which is returned to the ground.

Why Leave Grubbing to the Professionals?

Heavy equipment operation requires special training. Like operating a vehicle, it is incredibly unsafe to use such machinery if you don’t know what you’re doing. Professionals also know how to do the work efficiently, ensuring the land is properly cleared, and no debris remain beneath the surface that may cause delays or issues with your project.


If you’re a Pearl City resident or property owner in need of grubbing and excavation services, turn to the land clearing experts at Amazon Construction. For over 30 years, they’ve served clients throughout Oahu. In addition to earning a gold-star reputation in the community, they’ve also been featured in several publications and received acclaim from professional organizations for their excellent work. Call (808) 841-6595 to speak with a friendly team member about your project or visit the website to learn more about the company and their services.  
