
Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing issues homeowners encounter. While it might seem like nothing more than a minor inconvenience at first, a blockage in your pipes can put a significant strain on your entire plumbing system. This can result in unsanitary conditions and costly septic system repairs. As a new homeowner, it’s important to know how to identify drain clogs so they can be properly resolved before serious damage occurs. Here are a few warning signs to watch for.

How Can You Tell If Your Drain Is Clogged? 

1. Gurgling Sounds 

You don’t have to be using a drain to notice a clog. If you hear gurgling sounds coming from your pipes or toilet, it’s likely there’s a blockage somewhere in the sewer lines. This is especially true if you hear the gurgling after doing laundry or running the dishwasher. In this case, it’s possible the clog originated from one of these appliances. 

2. Slow-Moving Drains 

septic system repairs-dalton-gaA slow-moving drain is the most obvious sign you’re dealing with a clog. If water is accumulating in the sink while you’re brushing your teeth or washing your hands, there’s a good chance something is blocking it from flowing freely through the pipes. Your first instinct may be to pour a chemical cleaner down the drain, but this can corrode the pipes. It’s best to have it professionally inspected to ensure there isn’t a bigger problem or need for septic system repair. 

3. Wastewater Backup 

If you have a major clog, it’s possible that water will start backing up and overflowing into different plumbing fixtures throughout the house. For instance, you may flush your toilet and see water come up from your bathtub or sink drain. If this is the case, schedule immediate septic system repair to prevent extensive water damage.


If you believe you have a clogged drain, don’t wait to get professional help. A-1 Pumping Service and Drain Cleaning in Dalton, GA, offers more than two decades of industry experience and will determine the most effective solution for eliminating whatever is obstructing your sewer lines. In addition to providing residents throughout Whitfield County with septic system repairs, they offer septic pumping, pump replacement, and septic cleaning. Call (706) 272-3352 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about how they can keep your plumbing in top shape. 
