
A dead battery is something no driver wants to face, as it could leave you stranded on the side of the road, unable to start your car. Fortunately, you can avoid this situation if you’re aware of the warning signs that your battery is failing. If you notice any of the red flags below, take your vehicle in for auto maintenance to have the battery tested and possibly replaced. 

How Do You Know If Your Battery Needs to Be Replaced? 

1. Slow Cranking

An aging or damaged battery will have difficulty holding the charge it once did, which affects its ability to star the car. It may take a few attempts to start the car, and the engine may turn over slowly. If this happens consistently, take your car to a trusted mechanic for auto maintenance and testing. 

2. Dashboard Light

auto maintenanceThe engine has a circuit in place that monitors the alternator’s voltage. If that current is unusually low, it will trigger a light on your dashboard. You should still be able to turn on your car when this light turns on, but don’t risk turning it off as it may not turn back on again. Drive your vehicle straight to the auto maintenance shop to avoid getting stranded or having to tow your car. 

3. Age

The typical car battery lasts about four years. However, its lifespan will be impacted by factors such as your climate, the way you drive, and how much you rely on your battery to power systems such as your vehicle’s lights. Your mechanic should test your battery every time you get an oil change, which will help you monitor its condition as it ages.


If you’re searching for reliable auto maintenance, turn to Priam’s Automotive Service & Repair in Honolulu, HI. Whether you need an oil change, electrical system work, or a new battery, they will provide the honest and reliable service you need to keep your vehicle running smoothly. The locally owned and operated company services both foreign and domestic cars, ensuring you can get help, no matter what you drive. Visit them online to learn more about their services, or call (808) 537-1919 to schedule an appointment for auto maintenance today. 
