
Your heat pump plays an integral role in your home comfort, so when it begins to slow down, it’s important to recognize when repairs are necessary. By contacting a heating professional, you can often resolve issues before a complete breakdown occurs. You’ll also get more efficient service from your heating system, so keep the following signs of wear in mind.

How to Tell You Need Heat Pump Repairs

1. Your Unit Is Over 15 Years Old

Heat pumps generally last around 15 years, even with exceptional care. After this, they’ll begin slowing down and require constant maintenance. If you’re nearing this 15-year mark, contact a heating professional to assess repairs or if it’s time for a new heat pump. There are many new energy-efficient options available that will save you money in the long run.

2. Little-to-No Heating

heating-sunshine-air-conditioning-and-heatingThe most obvious sign you need heating repairs is if your pump isn’t working at all. Any number of issues can have occurred, ranging from part breakdowns to thermostat issues. This can put immense stress on your system and cause bills to skyrocket. Likewise, a total breakdown significantly impacts your home comfort, so call an HVAC professional as soon as the problem arises.

3. Continued Issues

If you have experienced several issues in a year, it’s likely time for a replacement. Even if your heat pump works perfectly following repairs, multiple problems mean that there’s still an underlying issue that isn’t going away. The only way to know is to have a heating and cooling technician do a full inspection and diagnosis.


If you’re dealing with heating and cooling issues, the team at Sunshine Air Conditioning and Heating can assist. They’ve served residents Westchester County and the surrounding areas, including Peekskill and Cortland, NY, for 19 years and offer a wide scope of services. They’re trained to maintain and install products from industry-leading brands. Explore a full breakdown of their services online. To schedule an inspection call, (914) 245-2050 today.
